Saturday, June 21, 2008

zen and the art of solstice maintenance

The longest day of the year has been laid down to rest on its grumpy bed. Many thoughts will arise along with the sun tomorrow; a new day ,freshened by light of the morning, shooting rays off the sparkling grass.
These trickle -down- thoughts, of the what had been, and what could have been if Solstice had happened, spark in and out of our minds ,to temper last night's rain drenched souls despairing the demise of stamping muddy feet to the elusive drum beats, shoving down wet hot doggies in a last ditch effort to grab a meal, a song, a Machiavellian juggler, an otherworldly magician. Bands waiting in the wings, crafters bouncing about unsure in the downspouts like maniac nuns with white nylon tents like vestments grasped round about them flying in the wind above their drenched dark heads.
Optimistic... yes,it seems that we were, surely, in the planning.
And it calls to mind an ole hip book from a few decades ago; Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance. It's about how one must live for the day,to really concentrate on and love the process of that living, and not focus only on the end product. In the solstice planning process, many friendships were cemented, many jokes told, news shared, positive vibes for the Shaker community felt. Over the many months of planning the party we must not forget the spirit raised, the awesome energy and creativity that evolved . This speaks to our core being as an organization; and we can send out arrows of this to all our future endeavors.

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